Written, Produced and Co-Directed by
Ryan Ritterby & Jalal Al-Marashi Jaffer
“Another College Musical” is the first musical film to ever be made at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), bridging the filmmaking community at the student-run film studio, Triton Television with the Theatre, Music, and Dance departments. Amassing a team of cast, crew, and creatives numbering over 100 students, faculty, and staff, “Another College Musical” is the largest film produced at UCSD to date.
“Another College Musical” follows the journey of different “theatre kids” as they audition for a show directed by an infamous director. In this niche genre of the “theatre” (spelled -re not -er because that is the PROPER way) we find stereotypes that can be related to in almost every world: The try hard, the suck-up, the guy who's just there because he's interested in a girl, the person who has been passed over multiple times and just wants their shot to prove themselves, and everything in between. In essence, “Another College Musical” is a film that shows how powerful hope and dreams are, while poking fun at how inconsequential a college musical can be in the grand scheme of life.
Musicals are a unique genre of storytelling as they allow us to see how the characters feel through dance, hear how they feel through song, and adding those two axises into the visual storytelling medium of film, allows us to really show our audience how these characters feel and why they feel what they feel. As avid musical-lovers ourselves, we decided to take on the challenge of adding that extra layer into the mix and we're so immensely proud of all of the cast, crew, and creatives involved.